
Home / Customization / Elevate Your Brand with Custom Aqueous PVC and PP Vinyl: A Winning Combination of Elegance and Functionality

Elevate Your Brand with Custom Aqueous PVC and PP Vinyl: A Winning Combination of Elegance and Functionality

In the dynamic landscape of product customization, our company takes pride in offering a unique solution that seamlessly blends aesthetics with functionality. Introducing our latest customization solution: aqueous PVC and PP vinyl, complete with a one-side matte PET liner. This cutting-edge offering not only enhances the visual appeal of your products but also adds anti-slip and scratch-resistant properties when materials are printing, raising the bar for brand excellence.


The allure of customization lies in the ability to craft products that reflect your brand's essence and resonate with your target audience. Our custom aqueous PVC and PP vinyl are versatile materials that allow you to tailor your designs to perfection. With the aqueous ink compatible, it is able to present a vivid and vibrant color of the printed graphic.


What truly sets our custom vinyl apart is the inclusion of a one-side matte PET liner. This addition goes beyond mere aesthetics, as it introduces a realm of practical benefits. The matte finish not only bestows a sophisticated touch to your products but also plays a pivotal role in anti-slip and anti-scratch functionality when printing, protecting the graphic printing process from any slip or scratch accident.


As the market continues to evolve, consumer preferences lean towards products that stand out in both form and function. By choosing our custom aqueous PVC and PP vinyl with a one-side matte PET liner, you not only align with these preferences but also lead the charge in innovation and excellence.
